After a little tentative research however we have found that the impact on training course providers has led to a mass reduction in pricing. Therefore we've decided now is the time to fine tune our staff's skills and send them off to marketing/advertising boot camp to return with an even greater palette of tools and ability to make use of throughout the projects we are working on.
It's an exciting time in Sticky Media Group, the team is growing due to the large amount of work we're acquiring, employees are embarking on training and returning ready to rock and roll with the new skills they have at their disposal, meanwhile the design briefs and testimonials to our work keep landing in the in-tray. One such large website due for completion this Friday, will of course add it to the portfolio gallery so you can see some of this hard work for yourself!

If you would like to get in touch with Sticky Media Group please visit our web site for contact information and further details on our web services.
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