In between scribbling on sticky notes and working out how to record a voicemail message, I’ve been busy finding great addons and apps for social media platforms. So, allow me to share a few of the good ones with you so I can feel warm and fuzzy.
Apps for Twitter
There’s a whole host of apps and add-ons out there for improving the way you use social media, including connecting your accounts on Linkedin and Twitter using TwitterFeed, right through to saving your Tweets for a later time using TweetLater, and TwitRobot.
If it’s trends and hot topics that capture your attention, try Twist to see the latest Tweets on news subjects. Twitter’s own “Trending Topics” is also a great spot.
Useful Tools
We all know fitting links into 140 characters requires a bit of creativity, namely using URL shorteners like and, but now try StumbleUpon’s latest offering: This one allows you to increase your web visibility on StumbleUpon and allows viewing of shortened links in the Stumble bar.
Have a good weekend, and let me know your most useful social media apps and websites in the comments below.
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